A groundbreaking music collaboration to launch the Rezound mobile device
When HTC was launching the Rezound with its Beats Audio integration, they turned to The FADER to create something special that would connect with young cultural tastemakers – an audience that can smell marketing from a mile away. The result was a groundbreaking music collaboration program that organically merged hip-hop culture with cutting-edge technology, speaking directly to what matters most to this community: discovering what's next in music.
The X Squared Remix Project brought together 10 of the most exciting names in hip-hop with 10 innovative producers, dropping exclusive tracks weekly through The FADER's digital platforms. This wasn't just another branded content play – it was an authentic celebration of emerging artists that demonstrated the HTC Rezound's superior audio capabilities while creating something of real value for our music-obsessed audience.
By keeping it authentic to The FADER's voice and focusing on creating something of real value for our music-obsessed audience, we managed to cut through the noise of a major product launch and create genuine buzz among exactly the kind of early adopters and influencers HTC was trying to reach.